Not tonight, Dear,
I’m having a headache
this year.

Oh how married life changes people.


After many years, the foxy girl can become flabby.

That fabulous guy can become frustrating.

And frustrated!


Sometimes I wish my husband was a traveling

salesman who traveled. But then who would catch

the mouse in the kitchen, open the pickle jar I can’t,

scratch the itch on my back I can’t reach, bring me tea

with lemon and honey when I have a sore throat?


I love my husband—most of the time. Even though

I know EVERYTHING about him. But he doesn’t have a

clue about me. What man really knows a woman?


Even after all these years, before I go to bed, I still

sanitize, deodorize, moisturize, and Shalimarize.

My husband just shows up. He’s looking for lust.

I’m looking for love.


So when he’s horney and reaches out in bed,

I don’t think I’m the only woman sometimes thinking:











Bring out your
wedding picture.

Show your husband.

Maybe he’ll remember that love

and you’ll remember
that lust.








You’re just a button click away– and I’d love to hear from you.


About your world, your family, your joys and frustrations, growing up, growing older, even recipes–even though I stopped cooking–by request–years ago.


Goodbye until next time…

Hope your day turns out as well as I hope
(but doubt) my will,

Gingy (Ilene)