How can we ever thank all the First Responders who risk
their lives to save the lives of others? I wonder if I would
—could– be as brave as they are.
But is a thank you compensation enough? Nurses, firemen, police men and women are not financial big shots. Yet corporate big shots, celebrities, sports idols, rock stars, etc., make millions without having to face the horrors First Responders do. Enough said.
In some ways, my husband and I have our own first responders who food shop and check on us. We’re both 85 (me not until June) and we’re following the rules. We haven’t left the house in over two months. Who knows if we ever will. Thankfully, our first responders’ lives are not threatened when they leave me jelly beans at the front door.
I can’t thank all the First Responders personally, but I can thank our own first responders.
Denise: She’s our Shoprite Queen. If I say she’s like Mother Teresa because she takes care of so many people, even us, she’d kill me. If I said she’s a tough Badass because she‘s honest and speaks her mind, she’d be a lot happier.
Roann: She our Costco Pixie. She’s an extraordinary chef,
caterer, and gardener. All the things I’m not. You wouldn’t think someone so petite could carry all those bottles of Kirkland water.
Gina: She’s our Super Duper Walmart Wonder Woman who picks up our meds. She’s got 5 kids but still has time for us. And time to put on fabulous earrings. Got great hair too. And did I mention she always sparkles?
Alan: That’s our Bread and Cookie Meister with a Tom Hanks personality. He always does and says the right thing, and even if he didn’t, I’d cultivate his friendship just for his chocolate chip cookies.
Ed: He’s our Rock Star Preacher who’s never preachy. He
cheers us on. Hard to believe that this guy who really
understands people and knows so much about art, history and everything else comes from Brooklyn.
Too bad there are so many people around who only seem to care about themselves and their bank accounts. Thank goodness and thank you to all the other people who care about others.

You’re just a button click away and I’d love
to hear from you.
About your world, your family, your joys and frustrations, growing up, growing older, even recipes– even though I stopped cooking–by request–years ago.
Goodbye until next time…
Hope your day turns outas well as I hope
(but doubt) mine will,
Gingy (Ilene)

Thank you, first responders!
Absolutely amazing !
A warm and very personal, direct appreciation to all of your ¨first responders.
They broke the mold when they made you.
Thank you! For thanking all that take care of us, your first responders. Sounds like you have a wonderful group of people supporting you at this time. So crazy. Please stay well. Always in enjoy your writing.
So glad that you have people around you who can support you in this weird time. Yes, who knows if we’ll ever resume normal life? I’m getting into it, working from home, cooking, watching shows, ordering food staples from Amazon (I know, I shouldn’t). Busy busy. My only helper is my partner, who does the dishes, vacuums, and goes to the store every few weeks to get supplies. Feeling grateful that he does all that. I’ve been out of the house only a few times. The whole thing is too scary. I baked bread and made bagels, a first.
I hope you know I would always be there for you. Love you my Gingy. So glad you have first responders you can count on. I know you are and have been first responders for so many. Now it’s time to be the receiver!! Can’t wait to see you. Soon I hope!!
Love your drawing of the first responders- the mask makes them look like they are smiling-I hope so considering what they have to do
Love your cartoon of the First Responders- their masks looks like a smile- I hope they can even with the difficult and dangerous job they do in guy
You have a jellybean dealer?! Clearly that’s your secret super-food-diet-ingredient that keeps you so sharp at almost-85.
That, and the amazing helpers you’ve given a shout-out. People do reveal their true selves in a situation like this.
I can see the pushy ones at the grocery store (one who took the last 3 packages of something I was looking for–even after I mentioned that I was looking for one)– and the generous and kind ones (there seem to be more of those!).
Let’s add to your shout-out: the folks stocking the grocery shelves and–MOST ESPECIALLY–the teachers. And thank YOU for this platform to share! XXX
Yes, we are very fortunate to have our first responders or helpers. I am getting used to my shelter-in-place routine. I’m not saying that I like it but it may be my life for quite a while. Zoom helps! Stay well, all my love, Phyllis
Well said, Ilene! So everlastingly grateful for those courageous folks on the front lines for all of us…!
Much love
sorry the bird might have been fun for you if it had stayed but I guess not since they do not have wee wee pads for birds.
I go out to take my dog out.
My dog doesn’t understand what is going on.he looks depressed (a Little )
and looks as if he is pondering “What did she do that everyone has left her
Why doesn’t anyone ever come over?
No one comes to dinner and drops little pieces of food under the table for me top grab.
She does take me to the park early in the morning but none of the people she meets get hugs or gives hugs,.
I do honor all the front line people.
My grandson’s wonderful significant other is a resident at the hospital and I worry about her and him and about all the people out there working every day.
Stay safe and air hug your first responders for me.
This is so well said. Every blog you manage to create a new insight on various topics. I ALWAYS look forward to reaching each blog post. Thank you for keeping smiles on our faces during this time 🙂 Already looking forward to reading your next post!
Thank you Gingy for these thanks. I don’t know these angels, but because of you I now know they are angels and am grateful too for their heavenly hearts. Let’s not waste a single thought on those who care only for themselves—they don’t need our thoughts (positive or negative)—they’ve got plenty of their own.
I am grateful for your wonderful First Responders, for mine, and always for you.
Sending you tons of love, Nancy
Many thanks to all of those lovely people who are helping you, Gingy! XOXO
Oh my gosh…you hit the nail on the head …especially with the wage comparison between first responders and FAMOUS sports or movie stars, etc. There is something so very WRONG with how society places values. By the way, I think I also know the Gina you mentioned. She is a super duper rock star in my book…as are YOU.