Why Not

My nickname is Gingy (Gin)

I’m thinking of running for President.
Why not.
Everybody else is.

Presidents used to be Presidential. At least we thought they were before TV, cable, and The National Enquirer.

I’m over 35 and born in the USA so I qualify. You don’t need experience. You can even be a crook.

The first 10 years of my life there was only one President: FDR.

My grandparents, immigrants from Eastern Europe, voted for Roosevelt in each of his four elections. Who really know what went on? Even Roosevelt was up to a little hanky panky.

My grandmother Ettie couldn’t stop crying on April 12, 1945 because Roosevelt had died.

But I was happy that Thursday because Susan Masback, the most popular girl in my class, the girl who never asked me to play with her after school, had invited me to her 10th birthday party.

My everyday life was more important to me than what was happening in the world.

They say all politics is local. Still true.

I’d have certain advantages as a candidate.

1. Since I have never held public office, nobody could call me a Washington insider. If you’ve worked in Washington and “know things” and know how to work the system, it seems to be a liability.

2. Since I’m an outsider, I have no paper trail which could be used against me by my enemies and my in-laws.

3. My only emails are to family, friends, and Amazon. They wouldn’t be of any value to the Russians, unless Putin wanted to buy stuff he didn’t really need and Amazon delivered to the Kremlin.

4. I’d immediately release my tax returns. They might gain me sympathy and donations.

But there are some negatives.

1.Younger people don’t think older people like me know anything. Unless their grandkids show them how to use their iPhones.

2. I’m a woman. White-haired men think I’m a minority. But aren’t white-haired men the minority now? Or soon?

3. Because I’m a woman, my hair, my clothes, and my platform shoes would be critiqued as much as my platform.

I’ve studied past President’s slogans.

Some rhyme.

“Tippecanoe and Tyler too”

William Henry Harrison

“I like Ike”

Dwight Eisenhower

“Ross for Boss”

Ross Perot


Some had to do with food.

“A Full Dinner Pail”

William McKinley

“A Chicken in Every Pot”

Herbert Hoover

“Not Just Peanuts”

Jimmy Carter


And some made no sense.

“Who is James Polk?”

Henry Clay

“It’s Morning Again in America”

Ronald Reagan

“I’m With Her”

Hillary Clinton


I’ve been thinking about a slogan. Can’t decide between:

“I’m not a Crook”


“You can Trust Grandma”

My Platform?
I think the Girl Scout Law says it all:

“I will do my best to be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring.
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do,
respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place….”

But maybe I won’t throw my hat in the ring. I like my hat. And having to smile and be nice to everybody until November 2020 is impossible.

I doubt anyone in my family would vote for me anyway.

Why don’t you run?

You’re just a button click
away and I’d love to hear from you.

About your world, your family, your joys and frustrations, growing up, growing older, even recipes– even though I stopped cooking–by request–years ago.

Goodbye until next time…

Hope your day turns out as well as I hope
(but doubt) mine will,

Gingy (Ilene)