What Freud
didn’t know

Freud was always asking, “What do women want?”
He never found out.

He should have asked me. I know what women want.


They want accessories!


Freud didn’t know because men are lousy at accessories. They’re limited to a tie, a wallet, and a watch. If they’re daring, suspenders.

Women are accessory experts from head to toe, regardless of their race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, or class.

One’s skin color doesn’t determine one’s hat choice. Michelle Obama and Melania Trump might like the same hat.

Democrat and Republican women can both agree on the same pearls, regardless of their age, height, dress size, or beliefs about Roe vs. Wade.

Every woman, any woman, all women can choose any accessory, accessories being symbols of equality.

Best of all, buying an accessory doesn’t require a dressing room or full length or 3-way mirror that might show you too much of you. How wonderful!

But I’m not good with accessories. I can’t keep that scarf from falling off my shoulders. Same with shawls, stoles, or anything that doesn’t come with a button, snap, zipper, or Velcro.

On my first book tour I was invited on the TV show, Good Morning America. Joan Ludden was the host. No scarf wrapped around Joan’s shoulders would dare move.

I didn’t know what to wear on TV. A friend told me to wear a scarf. “Joan loves scarfs and she’ll love you,” she said. Another woman said, “Make sure to wear a pin. Joan wears pins. Wear a pin and she’ll love you.” Somebody else said, “Wear pearls. Joan always wears pearls.”

I wore a pin and a scarf and a pearl choker necklace. I don’t like to take chances.

My scarf kept falling off my shoulders. I forgot to close the safety catch and the pin opened and just hung there. The pearl choker was choking me. And nobody loved me. They loved Joan (and her pink floral Gucci scarf that never moved).

Never believe what most people tell you. Joan never wore a pin or pearls.

I’ve been thinking lately, with all the problems men in politics are causing, maybe if they spent more time accessorizing, they’d have less time to screw up everybody else’s life.

Dictionary definition: “Accessory: noun. a thing which can be added to something else in order to make it more useful, versatile, or attractive.”

Isn’t that a wife?

BTW, make-up isn’t an accessory. It’s a necessity!

P.S. Even though I’m not good at accessories, I think I could get used to a diamond tiara.



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Goodbye until next time…

Hope your day turns out
as well as I hope
(but doubt) mine will,

Gingy (Ilene)