You’re just a button click away and I’d love
to hear from you.

About your world, your family, your joys and frustrations, growing up, growing older, even recipes– even though I stopped cooking–by request–years ago.
Goodbye until next time…
Hope your day turns outas well as I hope
(but doubt) mine will,
Gingy (Ilene)

You did it again….knocked my socks off.
Love your minimalist laser observations.
And yet you became a star! You look like a movie star, and you’re famous! I have seen a few famous people: Paul MacCartney at the Jeff Koons show at MOMA, Baryshnikov in the audience at the ballet. I was surprised at how short they were. And slight. My son-in-law Brendan Fraser is 6’3″. He looks like a movie star. All young people today know how to pose for photos and take good pictures of themselves. They know their good side.
I can’t watch anything new lately. I watch the same things over and over. Michael Clayton, The Talented Mr. Ripley, anything by Woody Allen even tho I see his woman hatred more and more, I still love Match Point.
Love your musings, you always are right on and make me think. XX
Ginny, always you break me up! You think soooo funny. And in this world, you’ve got to laugh or you slit your own throat. We love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love your drawings!
Did nobody you knew want to be an ice-skater? or a ballerina? or a concert musician? or a writer? So many different things to want to be!
I liked it when women in movies woke up in the morning hair done and makeup on.
I liked it unreal.
I do not like it when people photo shop their pictures of themselves and think they look better.
I always thought we didn’t do that kind of thing in the old days
I remember when you went to a photographer to have your photo taken
he would always airbrush your big nose or other flaws.
Ugh. Typos. Sorry.
When I was a child, I used to want to be a ballerina. I had a deformed right foot but nobody ever told me I couldn’t be one.
I also used to want to be a nun because I liked their “dress” (habit). Mom never said ” You are Jewish, you can’t be one.”
Movie star stories:
I used to live on Lexington Ave. across the street from a boutique dress shopcalled the Tapemeasure. I was 4 but my Mom still held me up to the window and pointed things out to me. One day she showed me a pink Cadillac that had pulled up outside the store. A muscular man was driving with his left hand and his right arm was acroos the top of the bench seat. A woman (who I had seen go into the store many times) with platinum blonde hair got out of the car. She was dressed all in pink and had a handbag on her left arm and a small dog on a leash in her right hand. She stopped ALL traffic on the avenue. She loved the attention. She paused so everyone could get a good look and (the only way to say it) she sashayed into the store. The woman was Jayne Mansfield and the man, her husband Mickey Hargitay. Yes, I still remember. Vividly. She was my idea of a real movie star.
I went to elementary school a few blocks away on 57th Street. Robert Goulet and his wife Carol Lawrence would pick up their daughter, who attended the school, everyday just like “real” people.
Down the block from the school lived Cugat andhis current wife Charo.I would see Charo sometimes,but I often saw Cugie walking their two small dogs (Pekes?) on the way to school. Decades later my parents saw Charo sing on a cruise ship. When they told her how they often saw her and Cugat, she clasped her hands, smiled, and sighed “Oh Cugie! I loved him.”
Although I lived in a walkup railroad flat with questionable electricity, I lived in a neighborhood where many celebrities lived. Some that I recall seeing are Shari Lewis (unfriendly), Katherine Hepburn, Sonny Fox, Arnold Stang, Rosalind Russell. Johnny Mathis (friendly, saw him often), Sugar Ray Robinson (Lavender car with his name detailed on the door), and Greta Garbo (still knew her despite huge black sunglasses and hat-she always wore the same thing. Some disguise!). Iknowthere are more…
Oh Gingy – You nailed it. First I have to say that your illustrations are as entertaining as your writing! I once saw Barbara Stanwyck at Chasen’s in Beverly Hills I’d taken a girlfriend there for her birthday, not realizing it was the same night as the Emmys. We struck gold. Barbara looked gorgeous in her sparkling pink and gold gown. It was worth the price of the (very delicious) dinner. We were really surprised at Jack Lord’s height (from Hawaii 5-0. I’m only 5’3” and in short heels I was at eye level with him. I do love binging British shows – even crime shows. Their accents make it all seem so much classier. Stay away from QVC. I once was heavily medicated and 10 days later the packages started arriving! I don’t vacuum but the beauty products get me every time. Call me if you feel the impulse to shop! xxoo
We used to seek refuge with Netflix, but that company has removed films staring such classic actresses as Myrna Loy, Claudette Colbert, Rosalind Russell, Irene Dunne, Katherine Hepburn, etc., and shows films you couldn’t pay me to watch. Why would I have any interest in a movie called DA 5 BLOODS? No more Netflix for us!
Definitely Cary Grant 🙂
Love this! I dropped out of college (the first time…), moved home and baked pies and watched ’40s movies. Untreated depressive for sure. But it was a nice break.
So nice to hear that I’m not the only one with observations and opinions out of the norm. I am in sync with you Gingy.
Gingy, you are Always Amusing!
Personally, I can’t believe that I have 700 channels and nothing good to watch. This week we decided to watch long-bearded men make new houses out of old barn wood. Some of it was pretty interesting! Haha. Who knew?
Hey, at least we don’t have to get periods anymore, right?
Thanks for your post… brightened my day.
Great dialogue as always! Another book!