The Enemy

Gregory Peck and I almost had something in common. In the movie, The Snows of Kilimanjaro, Gregory Peck was dying in Africa.I didn’t know it snowed in Africa because I never paid attention to geography classes in elementary school. Where it snowed or Africa didn’t interest me.How Rita Hayworth did her hair did. Gregory was […]

Long Term Marriage

Are you the one who married Prince Charming?No wonder I couldn’t find him. Some women are lucky and found their Princefirst time around. They stayed married and livedhappily ever after. Like Cinderella. Most of us hitched up with a guy like us. Someone who haddreams and worries. Someone we fell in love with. Whathappened? Because […]

We Were “Good Girls”

I was a “good girl” in high school. Being a virgin was a virtue if youwere a teenage girl in the 1950s. To “lose it” was a tragedy. Growingup, we were told stories about the birds and the bees, the stork, andeven about fields of cabbage patches but I never could figure outwhat went where. […]

Black. In grade school in the 1940s black was just a color in a box ofCrayola Crayons. A sad color because people wore black tofunerals. In high school, black became a fashionable color. Wearinga black dress meant you were sophisticated. By the time Givenchy designed Audrey Hepburn’s blackdress in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, my closet was […]


What would you wear if you were going tohave lunch with Nora Ephron? (If you are the one person in the world whodoesn’t know who Nora Ephron is, Googleher and read about an amazing woman.) Nora Ephron and her sister Delia had optionedtwo of my books and we were going to meetfor the first time […]

I’m Not
Doing It!

Some women love to do it.I don’t.I never did and I’m too old to start doing it noweven if I wanted to. Calm down. It’s not what you’re thinking.I’m referring to exercising. Everybody tells you “You should exercise.” My doctors,the Janes (Brody of The New York Times, Fonda of thebest cosmetic surgery). (My dentist tells […]

Food Fight

He:    Why are you eating pizza for breakfast?Me:   It’s left over from last night. You ate 4pieces. I only had two. These are mine. He:   But why are you eating them for breakfast?Me:   Because I want to. He:    Why don’t you eat a breakfast for breakfast?Me:   Because I don’t want to. He:    Pizza is not […]


Barbra, I’m here to help you. You still sing good! You’re a great songwriter, asuccessful author, a movie superstar, a terrific director, sold 72 million albums, awarded aGrammy, an Emmy, an Oscar, and a Tony, support civil rights foundations and philanthropic causes,and got The Medal of Freedom from PresidentObama…but your hair is driving me nuts. […]

A Love Story

Boy oh boy, talk about being overworked, the word“love” really takes the cake. I can’t think of another word that’s so busy except maybethe word “I.” The Eskimos don’t overwork the word snow.  They havedifferent words for different kinds of snow. aput: snow on the groundgana: falling snowpiqsirpoq: drifting snownutaryuk: fresh snowkanevvluk: fine snowuimuqsuq: snowdrift […]