Do you like Broccoli?

If you saw the movie “Forrest Gump,” you probably remember when Forrest Gump said,


Well, here’s something I always said,

I’m taking the 5th Amendment about what I think
about broccoli. I’ve got grown “children.” I’ve
got grandkids. They’d rather believe the stork
brought them.

But sex is everywhere. People think about it.
People fantasize about it. People write about it.
Some people marry for it. Some people pay for it.
It’s in the news. It’s in advertising. It’s in
movies. It’s in music. It’s in fashion.

Apparently it’s also in food.

I read an article recently about how to boost
your libido by eating common aphrodisiacs. It
shocked me. All these years I thought it was a
combination of my make-up, my hair color, my
perfume, and my outfits that were essential
to romance.

Little did I know how much money I could
have saved if I’d only eaten more walnuts.

When I read about the great lover Casanova
(which I seldom do) I thought he was a great
lover because of his personality (and maybe
his curly hair).

Turns out it was his diet. Apparently besides
oysters, he regularly ate 10 raw eggs. All that
zinc greatly increased his testosterone. But I
don’t recommend the Casanova diet. Too much
zinc and things you don’t want to happen can
happen at both ends.

Here’s an avocado tip I just read about: Make
sure your husband eats a lot of guacamole.
You’ll thank me.

On the other hand, if you need a little female
boost, an apple a day might keep the doctor
away but I read it will do a lot to wake you up.

It was spinach that kept Popeye enraptured
with his eternal sweetheart Olive Oyl. She
seduced him with her signature dish–sautéed
spinach with lemon and garlic olive oil (for
recipe check out Ina Garten, Rachel Ray, the
Barefoot Contessa, Lidia, Padma, and definitely,
not me).

It seems if couples both chew garlic they’ll
have a very amorous evening. I think I’ll skip
that one.

Dark chocolate is supposed to do things to
you (yeah, I know, like putting on five pounds).
But who needs anyone else there when
you’re alone with a chocolate bar?

So girls, get out your iphone or, if you’re over
60, a pencil, and copy the following list for
your next shopping list if you want happy days
(and nights) to be here again.

Try it. You might not like everything. But your
libidos might not be the only thing that improves.
Your health might get better, too—and what’s
better than that?

Some people say you are what you eat. If that’s
true, just call me Sugar.

You’re just a button click away and I’d love
to hear from you.

About your world, your family, your joys and frustrations, growing up, growing older, even recipes– even though I stopped cooking–by request–years ago.

Goodbye until next time…

Hope your day turns out
as well as I hope
(but doubt) mine will,

Gingy (Ilene)