A Love Story

Boy oh boy, talk about being overworked, the word
“love” really takes the cake.

I can’t think of another word that’s so busy except maybe
the word “I.”

The Eskimos don’t overwork the word snow.  They have
different words for different kinds of snow.

aput: snow on the ground
gana: falling snow
piqsirpoq: drifting snow
nutaryuk: fresh snow
kanevvluk: fine snow
uimuqsuq: snowdrift

How come we use only one word for different kinds
of love?

After all loving pizza and loving your children, loving
your purple sweater and loving your husband, loving
your dog and loving your parents, loving Joni Mitchell,
loving yoga and loving to be in love are all different
kinds of love.

Look all love has to do in The Great America Songbook.
It has to Love New York in June, Paris in the Springtime,
say Hello to Young Lovers, Love Porgy, make sure Our
Love is Here to Stay, and Love Me or Leave me.

Who would these musical icons be without love songs?
Pat Boone and Yoko Ono?

Go for a drive and signs outside houses of worship say
“Love Thy Neighbor.” I only know one of my neighbors.
I like him but his wife wouldn’t like it if I loved him.

Everybody wants love in their life. Too bad anybody
or anything you love sooner or later can drive you crazy.

Like husbands. Husbands have habits. Mine–it’s a
long list. Case study: No matter where he eats, he takes
out a toothpick at the table after he eats and picks.

Like children. Children grow up and change. They’re no
longer adorable. Enough said.

Like your dog. It’s still adorable but often poops in the
house and farts.

I always hoped that at least one of the high school boys
I was madly in love with would turn out to be a little like
Clark Gable, Cary Grant, or Gary Cooper.

Clark, Cary, and Gary didn’t get acne and boners.

Love changes in a marriage as time passes.
Lust goes. Just like my waistline.

Hopefully, what takes its place is companionship, understanding, and trust.

A fair trade? Maybe more so for a woman than for a

I once asked Nora Ephron, a terrific woman, who was
happily in love with her 3rd husband, what the secret of
a happy marriage was. She said “Marry an Italian.”

Mother love changes, too. We can’t kiss our children’s
boo boos away anymore. They cut the umbilical cord
we cling to.

Our kids no longer think we know everything. They think they know everything.

They become people who surprise us in good and not so good ways.

The older we get, the more our children become our
parents. We learn to love them differently.

How long has it been since your kid held out their
arms as wide as they could go and said:

“I love you this much, mommy.”

How I’d love to hear that again.

You’re just a button click away and I’d love
to hear from you.


About your world, your family, your joys
and frustrations, growing up, growing older, even recipes– even though I stopped cooking–by request–years ago.

Goodbye until next time…

Hope your day turns out as well as I hope(but doubt) mine will,

Gingy (Ilene)