The laws of the universe are beyond our comprehension: Our ‘families’ are never interested in what we ‘think about anything’—friends, acquaintances, and strangers think we’re amazing! Maybe this is proof that we’re all one big ‘family’ and the branch we happen to share a branch with on that all-encompasing family tree is simply ‘a branch’…there are other branches who know that w/o our weight out there on the end of the branch we inhabit, the tree would probably fall down—we are all counterweights—integral for balance. This works the same way for everyone else on all the other branches. When I was little, I loved to play pick-up-sticks. The whole concept of it fascinated me. Sticks/branches…what’s the difference.
Love you and can’t even conceive of a world without you swinging from the tip of any branch!
As for the flip phone—it won’t even work soon. Get an iPhone and I’ll teach you how to use it. Happy New decade…
Got new eyes last year no longer need glasses so to me you like you were when you were 40 Oh maybe its because we haven’t seen each other in a long time whatever,
Someone said beauty is in the eye of the beholder
I confess that I am resistant to change. My attitude is “if it aint broke…don’t fix it.” Which brings me to the subject of phones. I, too, have a flip phone. I keep it in a little pouch, in the side pocket of my old fashioned handbag. My kids and grand kids are always after me to upgrade to a Smart Phone. Their reasoning is, if I had a Smart Phone we could text each other. I ask them, why do you want to text me anyway? They say, in case I want to get in touch with you. I say, then why don’t you just call me on the phone? We have had this conversation many times. Well, in an effort to establish “good will”, I went onto Verizon’s website to look at Smart Phones. OMG, I couldn’t believe all the “great things” these phones could do. Ex: Answer your front door, take pictures, e-mail and turn on your oven. I think I spent an hour scrolling through all the phones they had to offer and finally, I found the perfect phone for me. Okay, now I need you to try and picture this image in your mind.
A small, black flip phone. Open the phone and you will find a screen on the top displaying the date, time and other usual information. The lower half of the phone had a small “rotary dial’ set in the place where all the number and letter keys would be. I laughed out loud and immediately forwarded the image to my daughter telling her I had just found the perfect phone for me and her dad. She replied in her usual sassy way: Great, and I suppose you are going to pay for it with a check too? I love my children, but sometimes they just don’t get it!
Happy Holidays Everyone.
Hmm, confessions. Sounds delicious. Let’s see…
1) I am addicted to chocolate and coffee.
2) I like my cat better than most people.
3) Since I retired (do you ever retire from teaching nursery school? I have two newborn grandkids now) I often don’t know what day it is, or what time it is. And I don’t CARE what day it is, or what time it is.
4) I have a flip phone too. I got it kicking and screaming when my dad became terminally ill. I don’t see the need to be available to anyone 24/7.
5) I am busier now than when I was working. Where is all this ‘down time” everyone talks about when you retire?
6) The biggest luxury for me is being able to roll over and go back to sleep when the weather is bad–or whenever I feel like it.
7) I love curling up with a good book–not a kindle. I like to turn pages.
8) I hate how I look in photos and try to avoid being in them at all costs. The camera does NOT love me!
9) I have grown very cynical and am working on being more compassionate and forgiving.
10) I love the beautiful thins in nature.
11) I f I don’t stop now, I’ll keep going and going like the energizer bunny…
I loved that you titled it confessions and not resolutions. I confess that living to 202 0 is amazing. I no longer plan for the next day or week. I am so lucky to have lived to see another year. I no longer make resolutions ….my only wish is that I stay healthy in mind and body. I keep very busy and am so glad to be able to wake up and stand up to another day. Best wishes to all for a happy and healthy New Year.
7GAY CROPPER said at 1:46 pm on December 12th, 2019:
somtimes I wonder if understanding might not be better that love and when I feel that I am embarrassed because I do feel very loved.
sometimes I wonder if being pleasant might not be as good as being helpful
sometimes I wonder if the new generation will miss out on things that they could
never even imagine.
sometimes I wonder if the next generation will ever have the opportunity to see a
naturally aging face with all its time showing,
When people ask me what I’m doing now, I say that old writers never retire — we just parse away. Actually, I have been writing articles for, which are much more fun than writing books because they don’t take as long and some of your friends can spare the time to read them. Happy Holidays to you too! And keep up this wonderful blog!!!
I love this! I found it so amusing that you wrote New Years Confessions instead of Resolutions. I admire how you have so many different writing “caps.” You are a one of a kind person and writer. You have a beautiful gift!
It was a mistake to get my cataracts removed because now I have to keep the lights off when I look in the mirror.
Hope to see you Sunday at Blossom’s celebration.
Hello Ilene…always great to read
your blogs.
1. Still use my head shot from 5 years ago. If figure if I can dye my hair…. I still look the same don’t I?? Plus…it doesn’t matter what picture, never been a big fan of pictures of myself. I’d like to think I look better than those pictures anyway
2. I keep saying I feel like a 25 year old still…..hoping the words will rub off on my delusional imagination of my youth lol
When shopping (which is more of a bother than anything else) I never by clothes…because that means admitting to buying “age appropriate clothing” which then goes against my delusional imagination of my youth….so I just let my husband buy me clothes for Mothers day….Birthday and Christmas…he does a great job.
4. When people ask me what I do….I get confused myself. I am busy everyday…but yet do not go to a 9 to 5…I guess being a home manager, wife, mother, sister, aunt, daughter and friend(therapist) …actor…director takes up most of my time???
5.I love flip phones….you know….what cell phones were originally invented for….calling someone or someone calling you. Technology with the “smartphones” are making people less smart….I mean you can get stopped for a dui if your texting and driving….everyone is drunk all the time.
6. I sent out holiday cards out 2 times and 2 times only…I figured why….with all these smart phones around….do people look at photos anymore on their fridge? Iean everyone is texting and on there phones….go to Facebook….Instagram….or even respond to a text you’ll see a photo….that’s good enough for me.
Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to you and Yours Ilene ❤
12Sheila Nadler said at 10:46 am on December 12th, 2019:
I agree with all of the above. The head is at 35, and the body is at 85. I can’t believe that I will live in the year 2020. When I was young, I thought I would never see the year 2000, and seeing 2020 arrive is a great bonus. Happy New Year everyone!
Confession# —It’s as if you are inside my heart and soul and mind when you write. I am moved and tickled by it all. That’s what good art does. Thank you for writing and being my friend.
Love, Nancy
14Cindy Sheward said at 10:17 am on December 12th, 2019:
First chuckle of the day. Thank you! I relate to all you shared.
Love your humor Gingy,
I hope 2020 is all about the truth n nothing but the truth.
My Confessions are:
*Loving others is so much better than hating.
**Lifelong Friends are
Such a gift as one ages.
***Venus shaver does the best job with chin hairs.
****Birthdays are to be remembered & celebrated no matter what your age is.
*****Memories are memories
While you still can remember.
No matter what u celebrate this time of year do it in Love.
We need more Love & Compassion in this world.
The laws of the universe are beyond our comprehension: Our ‘families’ are never interested in what we ‘think about anything’—friends, acquaintances, and strangers think we’re amazing! Maybe this is proof that we’re all one big ‘family’ and the branch we happen to share a branch with on that all-encompasing family tree is simply ‘a branch’…there are other branches who know that w/o our weight out there on the end of the branch we inhabit, the tree would probably fall down—we are all counterweights—integral for balance. This works the same way for everyone else on all the other branches. When I was little, I loved to play pick-up-sticks. The whole concept of it fascinated me. Sticks/branches…what’s the difference.
Love you and can’t even conceive of a world without you swinging from the tip of any branch!
As for the flip phone—it won’t even work soon. Get an iPhone and I’ll teach you how to use it. Happy New decade…
Got new eyes last year no longer need glasses so to me you like you were when you were 40 Oh maybe its because we haven’t seen each other in a long time whatever,
Someone said beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Confession…your son reads your blog and loves it:)
Hi I.B.,
I confess that I am resistant to change. My attitude is “if it aint broke…don’t fix it.” Which brings me to the subject of phones. I, too, have a flip phone. I keep it in a little pouch, in the side pocket of my old fashioned handbag. My kids and grand kids are always after me to upgrade to a Smart Phone. Their reasoning is, if I had a Smart Phone we could text each other. I ask them, why do you want to text me anyway? They say, in case I want to get in touch with you. I say, then why don’t you just call me on the phone? We have had this conversation many times. Well, in an effort to establish “good will”, I went onto Verizon’s website to look at Smart Phones. OMG, I couldn’t believe all the “great things” these phones could do. Ex: Answer your front door, take pictures, e-mail and turn on your oven. I think I spent an hour scrolling through all the phones they had to offer and finally, I found the perfect phone for me. Okay, now I need you to try and picture this image in your mind.
A small, black flip phone. Open the phone and you will find a screen on the top displaying the date, time and other usual information. The lower half of the phone had a small “rotary dial’ set in the place where all the number and letter keys would be. I laughed out loud and immediately forwarded the image to my daughter telling her I had just found the perfect phone for me and her dad. She replied in her usual sassy way: Great, and I suppose you are going to pay for it with a check too? I love my children, but sometimes they just don’t get it!
Happy Holidays Everyone.
Joyce Lawrence.
Hmm, confessions. Sounds delicious. Let’s see…
1) I am addicted to chocolate and coffee.
2) I like my cat better than most people.
3) Since I retired (do you ever retire from teaching nursery school? I have two newborn grandkids now) I often don’t know what day it is, or what time it is. And I don’t CARE what day it is, or what time it is.
4) I have a flip phone too. I got it kicking and screaming when my dad became terminally ill. I don’t see the need to be available to anyone 24/7.
5) I am busier now than when I was working. Where is all this ‘down time” everyone talks about when you retire?
6) The biggest luxury for me is being able to roll over and go back to sleep when the weather is bad–or whenever I feel like it.
7) I love curling up with a good book–not a kindle. I like to turn pages.
8) I hate how I look in photos and try to avoid being in them at all costs. The camera does NOT love me!
9) I have grown very cynical and am working on being more compassionate and forgiving.
10) I love the beautiful thins in nature.
11) I f I don’t stop now, I’ll keep going and going like the energizer bunny…
I loved that you titled it confessions and not resolutions. I confess that living to 202 0 is amazing. I no longer plan for the next day or week. I am so lucky to have lived to see another year. I no longer make resolutions ….my only wish is that I stay healthy in mind and body. I keep very busy and am so glad to be able to wake up and stand up to another day. Best wishes to all for a happy and healthy New Year.
somtimes I wonder if understanding might not be better that love and when I feel that I am embarrassed because I do feel very loved.
sometimes I wonder if being pleasant might not be as good as being helpful
sometimes I wonder if the new generation will miss out on things that they could
never even imagine.
sometimes I wonder if the next generation will ever have the opportunity to see a
naturally aging face with all its time showing,
When people ask me what I’m doing now, I say that old writers never retire — we just parse away. Actually, I have been writing articles for, which are much more fun than writing books because they don’t take as long and some of your friends can spare the time to read them. Happy Holidays to you too! And keep up this wonderful blog!!!
I love this! I found it so amusing that you wrote New Years Confessions instead of Resolutions. I admire how you have so many different writing “caps.” You are a one of a kind person and writer. You have a beautiful gift!
It was a mistake to get my cataracts removed because now I have to keep the lights off when I look in the mirror.
Hope to see you Sunday at Blossom’s celebration.
Hello Ilene…always great to read
your blogs.
1. Still use my head shot from 5 years ago. If figure if I can dye my hair…. I still look the same don’t I?? Plus…it doesn’t matter what picture, never been a big fan of pictures of myself. I’d like to think I look better than those pictures anyway
2. I keep saying I feel like a 25 year old still…..hoping the words will rub off on my delusional imagination of my youth lol
When shopping (which is more of a bother than anything else) I never by clothes…because that means admitting to buying “age appropriate clothing” which then goes against my delusional imagination of my youth….so I just let my husband buy me clothes for Mothers day….Birthday and Christmas…he does a great job.
4. When people ask me what I do….I get confused myself. I am busy everyday…but yet do not go to a 9 to 5…I guess being a home manager, wife, mother, sister, aunt, daughter and friend(therapist) …actor…director takes up most of my time???
5.I love flip phones….you know….what cell phones were originally invented for….calling someone or someone calling you. Technology with the “smartphones” are making people less smart….I mean you can get stopped for a dui if your texting and driving….everyone is drunk all the time.
6. I sent out holiday cards out 2 times and 2 times only…I figured why….with all these smart phones around….do people look at photos anymore on their fridge? Iean everyone is texting and on there phones….go to Facebook….Instagram….or even respond to a text you’ll see a photo….that’s good enough for me.
Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to you and Yours Ilene ❤
I agree with all of the above. The head is at 35, and the body is at 85. I can’t believe that I will live in the year 2020. When I was young, I thought I would never see the year 2000, and seeing 2020 arrive is a great bonus. Happy New Year everyone!
Hi Ilene,
Confession# —It’s as if you are inside my heart and soul and mind when you write. I am moved and tickled by it all. That’s what good art does. Thank you for writing and being my friend.
Love, Nancy
First chuckle of the day. Thank you! I relate to all you shared.
Love your humor Gingy,
I hope 2020 is all about the truth n nothing but the truth.
My Confessions are:
*Loving others is so much better than hating.
**Lifelong Friends are
Such a gift as one ages.
***Venus shaver does the best job with chin hairs.
****Birthdays are to be remembered & celebrated no matter what your age is.
*****Memories are memories
While you still can remember.
No matter what u celebrate this time of year do it in Love.
We need more Love & Compassion in this world.